One of my daughter's favorite sayings is "You Get What You Get & You Don't Pitch a Fit!". She learned it from her preschool teacher last year who she adored. I said this to her one time when I served her something she wasn't thrilled about eating and it instantly made her smile. And then she said "okay" and started eating what I gave her. I couldn't believe how easy it was to make her happy just by saying that one little phrase. And then one day on Pinterest (I know you know them) and found this little gem.
I was like What?! I can soooo make that. So I asked one of my friends that has one of those fancy schmanchy vinyl cutting machines if she would make me some vinyl letters and a crown.
And she did except for she didn't have a crown so she cut out a Fleur de Lis instead which I think I like better. Next, I just stuck them on a $5 canvas (18x24) and spray painted over it with yellow paint.
I used Bauhaus Gold by Krylon first (on the right) but it was too gold so I went over it again with Sun Yellow by Rust-Oleum and it was the perfect shade of yellow that I was looking for.
Peeled off the letters..........
...and Ta-Da!
I know it doesn't look exactly the same as the one on Pinterest but it's close enough. Actually it's perfect with all of it's imperfectly spaced letters. Who needs to measure letter spacing?? Not me, I just eye-ball it. And then spend an hour "fixing it". Whatev.
Besides, it makes my daughter smile and that's all that matters.
I hung it on the wall by the kitchen table just in case I need to refer to it when someone doesn't like the food they were served.
That goes for husbands too!
(please excuse the poor lighting, it was cloudy today)