Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Black Interior Front Door

I've been wanting to paint the inside of my front door for a while now but couldn't decide on a color.  It still has the original stain on it from when it was built in the 70's and it's looking a little dated.  I've been going back and forth between black and white and just couldn't make up my mind.  
I thought white would brighten things up a bit but then I realized with the glass on the door and side transoms (I think that's what they're called?) there is a ton of natural light that comes through and white could make everything too bright. 
So then I thought black would look good but I'm in one of those moods where I want everything light, bright, airy and clean looking and thought the black would darken it too much and make it look kinda gothic-y.  That's a word right?

So what does any girl with decorating paralysis do??  She does a search on Pinterest!
Once again, she came through and helped me make up my mind once and for all.  
My front door is very similar to the one below.

Source: via Beth on Pinterest

Even with the black color it doesn't look dark at all and gives it a nice contrast and keeps everything still looking bright and airy and bit of elegance.   
This is my project today and have actually already primed it and plan on painting it black this afternoon when the boys take a nap!  
I can't wait to show you!

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